Saturday, October 31, 2009

A MUNTed Doco

So MUNT FM huh? It's a station at a turning point and a lot of people I've spoken to are unsure about what's been happening to it. Luckily I can now point people in the direction of this documentary which summarises some of the recent events between MAWSA (Massey Wellington Student Association) and MUNT FM.

A MUNTed Doco by Shaun D Wilson

MUNT FM became Muse Radio which eventually shut down.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

MUNT Forums

There's been two forums on the future of MUNT FM recently. MUNT now has some sort of future though a lot of details have to be worked out. This is only of interest to those intimately involved in MUNT but here are those forums.

MUNT FM Forum 19 October 2009 by Shaun D Wilson

MUNT FM Forum 15 October 2009 by Shaun D Wilson

A more easily digested documentary on the MUNT situation is coming.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Save Munt FM

The MAWSA Executive have voted to close Munt FM down at the end of the month! We’re going to try and fight this. Here are some of the ways:

1. A Facebook group to save Munt FM has been created:

2. MUNT DJs and supporters who are Massey Wellington students can request a Special General Meeting if 40 students sign a document saying that they want a meeting.

3. A petition will be written and will be available to sign from next week.

4. Lobby MAWSA! Ring, email and go see everyone at MAWSA. Load them with communications (especially this weekend), but make it constructive and in no way nasty. Keep it above board!

Also it looks like there will be a gathering outside Munt’s premises on Friday 16 October. I’ll be there.

Closing down Munt FM is a mistake. Massey Wellington has a lot of trouble in building up a sense of community within the student body - this will strike a nasty body blow. Instead of destroying Munt more support needs to be given to it. Obviously these are difficult financial times but this is not a solution. Stay tuned to Munt to help save Munt.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Herculean Cauliflower

Herculean Cauliflower (Thursdays, 5-7PM NZT) is my radio show for Massey University’s Wellington campus radio station: Munt FM. Here is a vaguely typical show (though somewhat more poptastic and rewind heavy than usual).

Herculean Cauliflower - Episode 49 (20 August 2009) by Shaun D Wilson

There are a few minor digital glitches in the recording. All other things that sound wrong happened live due to equipment failure or my own personal inadequacies.


Monkey - Monkey’s World

Janelle Monáe - Violet Stars Happy Hunting!!!

Phillip Bailey – Easy Lover (feat. P. Collins)

Chris Morris (The Day Today) – Uzi Lover

Radiohead - These Are My Twisted Words

Stef Animal - One Two Three Four Five

Bits of:

Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)

Wuthering Heights

by Kate Bush

DJ Magnet - Love Comes Running Up That Hill Quickly (Kate Bush vs Placebo vs Pet Shop Boys)

The Travelling Wilburys - Handle with Care (only the first half)

Various - Land of the Long White Cloud

Moron Says What?!?! - Nathalie, Touch Me There Again

Be RoughShaun D Wilson

The Sugarcubes - Tidal Wave

Florence and the Machine – Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)

An excerpt from Wiretap (Host: Jonathan Goldstein)

A bad mash up by a child (one of the songs guillotined is by Little Boots)

Girls Aloud – Biology

La Roux – Bulletproof (my stupid slow/fast mix)

Haunted Love - Sweet Baby

N.A.S.A. – Gifted (Feat. Santigold Kanye West; Lykke Li)

The Beach Boys – Good Vibrations

Speech Debelle - Better Days (Feat. Micachu)

Micachu – Turn Me Well

Amadou & Mariam - Masiteladi

Cansei de Ser Sexy - Art Bitch

Regina Spektor – Folding Chair