‘The Podcast Directory’ is the first long form piece I did for radio. Heavily clip and music dependant it’s a flawed but entertaining introduction to the world of podcasting in 2007. Ably if nervously presented by my friend Kirsten, much of it reflects my listening podcast-wise at the time.
The Podcast Directory by Shaun D Wilson
Here’s a mini documentary I did on Dunedin band The Clean in 2008. You might realise that I had strict time limitations by the fact my voice is going at 100Ks a minute.I also covered their song Beatnik on my second EP.
In 2008 I entered a short audio item competition called ‘Radio Ephemera’ run by the Third Coast Festival in Chicago in collaboration with the Prelinger Library. You can find all the entries here.
I made two entries which made had to be in part inspired by ephemeral books in the Prelinger Library. I didn’t win but I got a nice T-Shirt, some stickers and dental equipment all of which was more than I was expecting. The Great Tree Strike of 1934
Description: A record of one of the most significant cultural events of New Zealand's forgotten history.
Inspired by: The Big Strike / Trees as Good Citizens
Stranger: Lance, who was waiting for Lily.
Why Question the Facts?
Description: A tired teen talks in the second worst recording device he has.
Inspired by: Trailer Ahoy! / The Stork Didn't Bring You!
Stranger: Those who could be coerced into answering a weird question by a stranger.
This is a little mockumentary I made in early 2007 in which I edited a rather innocuous interview with my classmate and vilified him unnecessarily. I tried to make to some of the edits obvious but I didn’t make them obvious enough so they just come off as slightly inferior edits. I think it’s quite funny though and I hope you enjoy it. Leon McCarthy - Man or Monster by Shaun D Wilson
In the year known as 2007 I had a weekly slot on Dunedin’s student radio station Radio One called The Show. I then had to move to Wellington (Where I now do ‘Herculean Cauliflower’ on Munt FM 5-7PM NZT, Thursdays) so was unable to continue. I put together this compilation show to air after I left. So here it is; one hour of my nonsense with a couple of songs thrown in.
In radio people have a ‘skite tape’ – which is essentially the audio equivalent of a show reel. Here’s one I made mid 2008 towards the end of my time at The New Zealand Radio Training School. This one emphasises my production skills. If there’s anything in there you want to hear the rest of just ask and I’ll try to track it down.
Shortly after starting my Munt FM show ‘Herculean Cauliflower’ (5-7PM NZT, Thursdays) I went to a Ladyhawke (supported by Holidays with Friends) Gig at San Francisco Bathhouse here in Wellington. After the show I rather exhaustedly recorded my thoughts on the night into my crappy MP3 player's inbuilt mic. The next day I did some editing and put together this.
The Recover EP was finished in October 2008 and worked on intermittently from February of that year. It is made up of covers and remixes of songs I have unreserved love of and so decided to ruin. I veer far away for the source material to create something that I believe is pretty interesting.
Alala A remix of the Cansei de Ser Sexy song.
There's Always Something There to Remind Me A remix of the Sandie Shaw version of this song.
Beatnik A cover of The Clean.
God Only Knows (Big Parklife Magic Dance Time) Featuring Walter Evers. A cover of The Beach Boys with additional song snippets.
These Words A remix of the Natasha Bedingfield song.
Crucify Starring Katie Hayes. A Tori Amos cover.
For more details check the credits that come with download.
My first EP was created in a quick creative burst leading up to October 2007. I had been making weird comedy songs for my show on Radio One in Dunedin that I spent too long on the production of and not enough on the comedy. I decided one day to make one of these tracks without relying on others samples. The track 'Creep Out' appeared and I knew I was on to something